React JS Tutorial for Beginners — Introduction
- August 19, 2022
- Posted by: techjediadmin
- Category: Frontend Javascript ReactJS Web application Web Development
What React JS?
Simply from the Official website,
React JS is “a javascript library for building user interfaces”.
React JS is developed by Facebook and a community of individual developers and companies.
React JS is widely used as a base in building single-page web applications.
React JS allows users to create reusable UI components.
Features of React JS

Virtual Document Object Model (DOM)
The VDOM is React’s lightweight version of the Real DOM. In Real DOM, if it gets updated on elements it will update the whole DOM. Comparatively, it’s not a big issue in small DOMs, but if big DOMs, surely this will cause the performance of the website. That’s why the Virtual DOM Concept was introduced in React.
In Virtual DOM, keep a snapshot of the DOM Copy before any updates occurred/initial stage updates. For every update is done on the Virtual DOM, then it compares with that snapshot and finds the difference with it automatically figures out which part of your react component needs to be updated. Interestingly, React uses the “Diff Algorithm” for this process.That’s why Virtual DOM is Extremely Fast.
Components Based UI’s
Components are the building blocks that is used in a React application representing a part of the user interface.
React Slices the user interfaces into multiple components making debugging more accessible, and each component has its own set of properties and functions.
JSX means “JavaScript syntactic extension”. JSX is used in React to describe how the user interface should seem. You can able to write the HTML structures in the same file as JavaScript code by utilizing JSX.
From the next upcoming article itself, we’ll start learning about the basic concepts of React.
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